Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Puerto Rico Travel Brochure

This is the travel brochure I made for the beautiful island Puerto Rico.

Photo Collage

Just a basic photo collage


In this project we were given the task to create a object using words on a type path. I decided to create a leaf.

Chiefs Jayhawks

We used words to create a interesting effect by replacing the colors of the picture.

Monday, February 24, 2014

H.V. Designs

We created our own personal logo's using our initials. I came up with a very sleek and nice looking design that I liked very much.

I also created a retro looking design that I feel came out very nicely also


This was a mesh flower that I created manipulating the colors at certain points of it. I feel that it came out great and looks beautiful. It was a difficult project getting the anchors right and coloring them correctly.

This was another project we worked on. We had to create a unique design that used a swish. I came up with a simple design while using gradients that came out fairly well.

Blend Patterns was a very cool technique we learned. I used a yellow to brown design to give off a flower-like feel.

We did some more work with 3D objects. It was a very difficult project since the slightest mistake would result in it looking like a block. I fought with it for awhile and it felt like it came out alright, I also messed with the surface to add custom text.

I excluded some tutorials since I didn't feel they were good enough to post.

Minion (unfinished)

This was the minion project we were working on. It was quite a difficult project, required a lot of skill to work on. I feel my minion came out fine, although I didn't have a chance to finish it.

Cartooned Self

This is a cartooned version of myself (even though my hair is far shorter now). It was quite difficult since I struggle with drawing things, but I feel it came out allright.

3D Beachball

First time using 3d shapes. Felt it was the best of the objects I made